Our Itinerary


We will be working with Don and Betty Orr, Canadian missionaries who have lived in Poland for the last decade.  They provide training and support to local pastors and congregations.  We will fly into Krakow, where we will enjoy a meal and concert in a Jewish restaurant in ul. Długosz, part of the historic Jewish quarter.

ul. Długosz


The next day we plan to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp.


Dąbrowa Górnicza

Sunday we plan to travel to Dąbrowa Górnicza, where Dr. Entwistle will preach at a church pastored by his friend, Jarek Ściwiarski.  We will have the opportunity to worship with our Polish brothers and sisters and share our stories of what Christ has done in our lives. We will be hosted by the church for the next several days, and will work with the church in its ministries to the community.

Our last few days will be spent in Warsaw.  On Thursday night we will meet with young people from the International Christian Church.  On Friday, we will spend the afternoon at Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, a University where Dr. Entwistle has been a visiting professor.  We will meet with Polish students and discuss the current cultural and political situations of our respective countries. A final night of exploring historic Old Town, which was completely rebuilt after being destroyed in World War II, and then it will be time to leave Warsaw early Saturday morning for our return to the United States.


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  6. Thank you for sharing the second half of your itinerary, Dr. E.! The schedule continues to look well-rounded, offering diverse experiences that will undoubtedly impact your team in unique ways. From visiting historical sites like Auschwitz and the Uprising Museum to engaging in service and exploring Warsaw, everyone will have a lot to learn and reflect upon.

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  7. Wow, what an incredible opportunity to immerse ourselves in the rich culture and history of Krakow! The idea of enjoying a meal and concert in a Jewish restaurant in the heart of the historic Jewish quarter sounds absolutely captivating. It's inspiring to hear about Don and Betty Orr's work as missionaries in Poland, supporting local pastors and congregations. Speaking of support, if you ever need someone to take your online statistics class while you're away, count me in! Helping out with your academic load would be my pleasure.

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