
Showing posts from February, 2011

SO MUCH to do before we leave

Dr. Welling and Dr. Entwistle are writing and grading exams, students are writing papers and getting ready for mid-terms, and we're leaving Thursday!  Everything is coming together, but I think we will all enjoy the boredom of being on a plane!

Two weeks from today...

My in-box has seen an uptick in traffic from Poland in the last few days.  Unlike American culture, Polish people often work out their plans later in the game.  So, we're now getting some inklings of how the fluid plans will develop.  We've changed some details on siteseeing in Warsaw (part of Wawel Castle will be closed), working out a rough plan for educational opportunities at UKSW, and possibly arranging a walking tour through Old Town Warsaw with a friend of mine who is a native Warwawian (which, by the way, is pronouced, "Var - sav - i - en"). We're also finishing up on our fundraising.  We're not there yet, but we're getting close!  Thanks for the many ways that you have supported our team.  Oh - and feel free to pass this link along to anyone who might want to follow along.  Hopefully, two weeks from now, you'll be reading updates from our flights!  For all of our team, Dr. E.

Itinerary, March 3-7

Thu March 3 Fri March 4 Sat March 5 Sun March 6 Mon March 7 Mornings 10:15 meet @ Barn 10:45 Depart for CAK Arrive: 8:20am Brussels, Belgium Prayer and briefing, Wawel Travel to Dąbrowa Worship service David preaching Ministry Obiad Next to hotel Polish families Afternoon Depart CAK 1:14 pm to Atlanta Delta #5574 Depart 12:10 pm Brussels Airlines #2547 Arrive KRK: 2:15 pm Wawel and if desired, Jewish quarters In Polish homes Ministry Kolacja Ariel Church or homes Evening Depart 5:30 pm Delta Air Lines 80 Siteseeing in Old Towm Concert at Ariel restaurant Prayer and briefing Women's meeting Room Globtroter Globtroter Church in Dąbrowa Church in Dąbrowa

Itinerary, March 8-12

Tue March 8 Wed March 9 Thu March 10 Fri March 11 Sat March 12 Mornings Auschwitz Ministry Train to Warsaw WAW 6:55 am Air France #1247 Obiad Arrive 9:20am Paris    Depart: 1:35pm Arrive: 5:30pm Atlanta, GA Afternoon Prayer and briefing, free time Ministry Uprising museum UKSW     Depart: 1:35pm Arrive: 5:30 pm  Delta #21          Atlanta, GA Kolacja Evening Ministry Evening service, Don preaching, Sunday school 2 groups International Christian Fellowship, Warsaw Warsaw Old Town Depart: 7:45pm  Delta #5598 Arrive: 9:26pm Akron/Canton Room Church in Dąbrowa Church in Dąbrowa

Our Itinerary

Krakow We will be working with Don and Betty Orr, Canadian missionaries who have lived in Poland for the last decade.  They provide training and support to local pastors and congregations.  We will fly into Krakow, where we will enjoy a meal and concert in a Jewish restaurant in ul. Długosz, part of the historic Jewish quarter. Auschwitz The next day we plan to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp. Dąbrowa Górnicza Sunday we plan to travel to Dąbrowa Górnicza, where Dr. Entwistle will preach at a church pastored by his friend, Jarek Ściwiarski .  We will have the opportunity to worship with our Polish brothers and sisters and share our stories of what Christ has done in our lives. We will be hosted by the church for the next several days, and will work with the church in its ministries to the community. Our last few days will be spent in Warsaw.  On Thursday night we will meet with young people from the International Christian Church.  On Friday, we will spend the afternoon at Uniwer