Local approval

We just thought that we would pass on a note of welcome from our local host:  "Jesteście bardzo fajną grupą! Miło Was gościć w naszym Kościele." - Jarek Ściwiarski


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  2. That's a wonderful welcome from Jarek Ściwiarski! It's clear that your team has made a positive impression on him and the church community.

    It's always heartwarming to hear such positive messages of welcome and appreciation. It's evident that your team is making a positive impact on the people they meet in Poland.

    We hope you continue to enjoy your time in Poland and that you have many more opportunities to connect with the local community. Thank you for sharing this special message with us
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  3. Jakie wspaniałe chwile spędzacie, pomagając przy remoncie kościoła! Słowa Jarka są najlepszym dowodem na to, jak bardzo docenia Wasze zaangażowanie.



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