Four hours of church services and a lot of food...

Hello everyone!  Today was a great day of worship, conversation and food.  We spent the morning in worship at Belsk Podlaski, where we had built tables and chairs yesterday.  Dr. Harris and Dr. E. delivered the sermons (yes, two half hour sermons in a two hour service is their norm at this church), and the girls sang two songs and Ezra and Tom gave their testimonies.  The congregation was very responsive to the testimonies and thanked the guys for sharing.  After the church service, we had coffee, tea, and dessert cakes, while the ladies of the church made us a great meal – followed by more cake.  During the meal, we took more time to share testimonies, which included the members of the church.  Before heading back to Don’s home, we visited an elderly woman who had asked us to pray for the sale of her home – and she had drinks and dessert waiting for us.  She was very hospitable and was grateful for the prayer.  On the way back to Don’s, most of us slept thanks to the full stomachs. After a time of resting, we took off to an evening gathering at a local Baptist church.  Dr. E. spoke about loving God with all our minds and answered a lot of tough questions about science, psychology, and faith for an hour and a half.  Along with a great discussion, we got to worship and Tom had the privilege of playing the Cajon with the worship band.  After enjoying some Polish foods like kielbasa and cheese in pastery AND MORE DESSERTS, we had some casual discussion with Polish and Norwegian young adults.  We are all exhausted and ready for bed, but it was a great day.  Tomorrow we plan to go to an open air flea market and then take a six-hour drive to Krakow.  Thank you all for the prayers you have been sending our way.  God’s guiding hand has been seen through the trip and we are grateful. ~ Thomas


  1. Sounds like a great day! Krakow is where my grandmother was born I believe. There might still be some Novaks in that town. Safe journeys. I enjoy reading your blog everyday. It sounds like God is really using you.

  2. So glad you are all enjoying your time there ! Sounds like the people are very friendly and your eating well ! Testimonies and sharing the word of God , isn't it wonderful it is so universal and something you can share . Enjoy you up coming days will keep you all in prayer . Kathy Mc Combs ( Toms Aunt)

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  9. It sounds like an incredibly enriching day filled with meaningful connections and cultural exchange, Thomas! It's heartwarming to hear about the warm welcome you received at the church service and the opportunity to share testimonies together. The visit to the elderly woman and the evening gathering with young adults from different backgrounds sound like beautiful experiences of hospitality and faith. Your dedication to answering challenging questions and engaging in discussions is commendable. Hearing about the traditional Polish foods like kielbasa and cheese pastries sounds delicious! We're excited to hear about your experiences at the market and on your way to Krakow. We continue to keep you in our prayers for a safe and rewarding trip.
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  10. The author describes a fulfilling day filled with worship, fellowship, and delicious food. They mention the spiritual activities, hospitality, and personal connections made during the trip. The author also mentions the exhaustion from the meals and activities, and the evening gathering as a perfect way to wrap up the day. They hope the rest of their trip to Krakow was equally rewarding. Indian Immigration attorney Near Me Lawyers play a vital role in upholding the justice system, representing and advising clients, interpreting laws, and ensuring that legal procedures are correctly followed.


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