Final Day in Sosnowiec

Final Day in Sosnoviec and Będzin 

This was a very long but wonderful day as we served the community and the church.  It began last night with preparing foods for the dinner that we would host at the church tonight (more about that later).  Then we drove to “American Day in Norwid”.  Norwid is an inner city high school in Będzin named after the last of Poland’s Romantic poets.  When we arrived at the school, we were greeted by the principal and ushered in to the gym where they had already set up booths for the four states that our group was to represent to give the students a picture of America – Massachusetts, “Carolina” (North and South!), California, and, of course, O-H-I-O!!!  The rest of the school was set up similarly for other things – German class, music class, history, etc.  We learned that they used today as a recruitment day for middle school students who might be interested in attending the school next year.  In this city, students choose which of four schools they go to, and competition between the schools is fierce because there has been a significant loss of population due to emigration and a declining birth rate.  Our job was to engage students in conversational English.  Meanwhile, Iris (who is from Germany) was doing the same thing in the German class.  Each of us was paired with a Norwid English student who could talk to the middle school students in Polish as well as English.  We brought materials and gifts to give to the students – Malone pencils, lanyards,  stickers, and – for the Ohio booth – a hundred buckeye chocolates.  At first, no one would take the gifts.  Then Asia told us that it is impolite to accept anything unless you offer it at least two or three times.  Sure enough, if you offer a buckeye once, the answer is usually “no thank you”, but by the third offer it is, “Okay, thank you very much!”  The school was prepared for 85 middle school students based on their RSVP.  By the end of the day, we had hosted 250 students in four hours!  Several of us exchanged e-mail and face book addresses with our student-hosts.  At the end of the day, there was a drawing for Malone t-shirts and sweatshirts, so there are now eight Pioneer-attired teenagers running around Będzin!

After we left the school, we took an hour to walk to a castle that is nearly 675 years old.  We learned the sad history that the town had a population that was 60% Jewish prior to World War II.  Most of the Jewish inhabitants “disappeared”, the majority ending up in the Nazi concentration camps.  After the War, the communists sought to repress this history, creating a new four-lane road through the Jewish quarter.  The Jewish cemetery has been heavily vandalized, and now sits among an overgrown forested area beneath the castle.  This, of course, is a small taste of what we will experience tomorrow at Aushwitz.

We then returned to the church and furiously prepared “American Dinner”!  We made a huge plate of Macaroni and Cheese, hot dogs (but really good Polish ones!), soft tacos with all the fixings, fried mushrooms, green beans with bacon, and brownies with ice cream.  We had no idea how many people would show up, but it ended up being a large crowd – the church youth group, people that they invited, and even some students from Norwid!  What began a bit awkwardly ended up being a hugely successful and fun outreach event for the church.  We played games, talked, ate, and laughed a lot.  Dr. E. was the one who wanted to make fried mushrooms (Poles love mushrooms!), but we had a problem with some of the ingredients, and the directions he gave ended up being misinterpreted (while he was making something else), so the result was more like mushrooms-sautéed-in-butter-with-a-thick-buttery-gravy.  This was the only dish that was completely devoured, and we have requests to send the recipe by e-mail!  (Hmmm.  Do we send the real recipe, or the messed-up version?)

We finished cleaning up about 9:00, debriefed from the day, shared a prayer, and are now getting ready to turn in.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  Having done a trip to Auschwitz three times before, I know that tomorrow will be a difficult day.  Also, we are all tired, and a few of us are physically worn down a bit.  As always, thank you for your prayers, your interest, and your support.

Dr. E. (for the team)


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    فى البداية ابرام اتفاق بينك وبين شركات شحن دولى داخل مصر يجب ان تعلم جيدا وتكون علي دراية كاملة عن مقدار الوقت الذى يحتاجون اليه لاتمام عملية الشحن الدولى بدء من استلام الشحنة وتغليفها و وصولها الى الميناء او المطار او شحنها داخل مركبة بالاضافة الي الوقت اللازم للاجراءات الجمركية و انهاء المستندات الخاصة بالشحنة لها حتي تحافظ على اموالك وايضا تقدير الوقت هو امرهام بمجرد الحصول علي مواعيد جيدة للوقت يمكنك التخطيط بشكل سليم بناء على تلك المواعيد لاثبات مصداقية شركات شحن دولي و إعانتها على تلبيه كافه طلبات الافراد و المؤسسات الكبرى
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    تقدم لك جميع البيانات التي قد تهمك قبل و اثناءعملية الشحن الدولى سواء كان شحن برى او بحرى او جوى وايضا من حيث تكلفة الشحن من مصر ستجد خدمة شحن لا مثيل لها مقارنة بالاسعارالموجودة فى السوق فاذا بحثت عن سعر الكيلو فى الشحن الجوى على طائرة او طريقة الشحن البحرى ستتعرف علي مدى اهمية الخدمات المتاحة لدى ارخص شركات شحن من مصر للكويت من بين جميع شركات الشحن لذا نحن نوضح للسادة العملاء دائما ان يتم الحصول على جميع المعلومات الخاصة بالشحن الدولي من مصر حتى يكون اختيارك سليم لشركة الشحن ومبنى على وضوح ومعرفة كاملة بالخدمات المميزة التى ستحصل عليها  ويمكنكم ايضا الاطلاع الخلفيات وسابقة الاعمال من خلال المواقع الالكترونية والمقارنة بين شركات الشحن الدولى داخل مصرللحصول خدمات ترضى سيادتكم وان يكون ذلك سبب فى الحفظ على الشحنات و ضمان وصولها فى المواعيد المقررة من الشركة دون اهدار للوقت و المال الامر الذى يجعلكم فى اطمئنان على شحناتكم الهامة من اى ضرر محتمل سواء كان فى الجو او البحر او فى البر

  3. طرق معالجة مشاكل نقل الاثاث
    هل واجهك من قبل أثناء نقل اثاث منزلك مشاكل بالـتأكيد الرد نعم فمن المعروف ان عملية نقل العفش من المراحل الصعبة و المرهقة و سوف نتحدث الان عن مشاكل النقل بشكل عام و عن الفوائد التى تعود عليك عند التعامل مع شركات نقل الاثاث بالجيزة التى تحمل اعباء النقل عليك وعلى من حولك و عن أسرتك وانت تنقل الاثاث المنزلى يدويا مرفوعا بالايدى وتضرر عفشك او تم اهدار الوقت و الجهد, لم يكن هناك ضرورة لكل هذه المعاناه  لو ان ارخص شركة نقل موبيليا قامت بهذا العمل بدلا من الاقارب و الاصدقاء  لكان الامر انتهى دون عناء على الاسرة و فى وقت بسيط مع ضمان حماية المنقولات حيث ان رفع الاثاث بالونش امر صعب بالنسبة للافراد الغير مدربين ولكن سهل على شركات نقل الاثاث بما عندها من ادوات وامكانيات تجعلها تعمل على العزال بمهارة فهناك اساليب نقل اثاث مواكبة للتقدم تسهم فى حل كل التحديات وتتعامل بمرونة مع الاثاث المنزلى
    مكاتب بيع كراتين الفارغة بمدينة نصر
    اهم ما فى الموضوع سيارة نقل الاثاث التى لن تعثر عليها الا عند مكاتب رفع الاثاث بالونش وهذه الشاحنات معدة مخصوص لهذا العمل ولا يتم استخدامها الا فى مجال نقل العفش وتحمل سيارة نقل الموبيليا مختلف الاثقال و الاطوال للاغراض وتتمكن من المشى اوقات طويلة محتفظة بما بداخلها من اثاث وكريستال وصينى و اجهزة منزلية  لذلك ندعوك انت وكل من يرغب فى العزال بالتعامل شركات نقل الموبيليا التى تقدم خدمات بيع كراتين فارغة مدينة نصر و تستخدم الشاحنات المعدة و تستخدم ونش رفع العفش لمزيد من الثقة لك ولمن حولك و سلامة الاشياء الخاصة بالمنزل فى هذه العملية الدقيقة وفى هذه اللحظة ستشعر بانه لن تواجهك اى مشاكل صعبة فى رفع الاثاث بالونش و باذن الله لن تجد مشكلة ابدا

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  7. It's clear that your dedication to serving the community and the church shone through today. Engaging with students at Norwid High School through "American Day" sounds like a fantastic way to connect and share cultural experiences. We can tell the effort went beyond language barriers, fostering connections through fun activities and even leading to email and social media exchanges.

    Your "American Dinner" at the church also seems to have been a great success! Preparing a delicious meal, playing games, and sharing laughter together is a wonderful way to build relationships within the community.

    We appreciate your honesty about the challenges and the upcoming visit to Auschwitz. We're keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers for strength, peace, and continued meaningful experiences as your trip continues.

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  8. Make the best use of your last day in Sosnowiec. Find everything you need for a perfect farewell, from cultural landmarks to charming eateries.I have learned a lot from reading this. Continue your outstanding work! I am eager to read your forthcoming posts.
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  9. What a powerful and moving day! It sounds like your service projects at the church and the school were incredibly meaningful and impactful. The stories of the Jewish community in Będzin are heartbreaking and inspiring. I'm glad you had the opportunity to learn more about the history of the region and witness the resilience of the Polish people. I'm sure you'll cherish these memories forever.



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