Good night from Poland

What an early morning for the team! Everyone woke up this morning and was ready to walk out the door at 6:30 AM. After a five hour train ride to Poland, the team established themselves in the church where they will stay for the next two nights. The church is very nice! There are two bedrooms set up for the 10 girls (including Iris). There are little mattresses set up for each girl and Dr. Entwistle has his own room in an office. The pastor’s wife prepared an incredible dinner for the team. The dinner was delicious! Shortly after dinner, the team traveled to the local grocery store, it was HUGE. The team spent nearly two hours looking around. Since tomorrow evening the church is hosting an English Café, the team was asked to prepare some traditional “American” food. Some of the foods that the team will prepare include: macaroni and cheese, tacos, hot dogs, and for dessert they are making ice cream and brownies. Upon leaving the grocery store, the team stopped to try what Dr. Entwistle said would be the “best part of the entire trip.” Lodi –  Polish ice cream!!!  It was fantastic and everyone enjoyed the various flavors!!! The team has commented numerous times on reasonably priced things are using the Polich currency, the złoty (pronounced zwa-tee). For each dollar one receives 3 złoty from the kantor.

 Once the team arrived back at the church, they began unpacking the car full to the top with groceries. After unloading the groceries, some of the girls began to prepare the brownies for tomorrow evening. The pastor invited Dr. Entwistle and a couple of the  girls who wanted to join them to go to his house to hang out and play with his kids. The rest of team sat began to prepare for tomorrow since it will be a big day. The team will be heading to Norwid(Nor-vid) to put on an English fair with the high school English class for perhaps 80 middle school students, then back to the church for the “American Dinner” outreach. Today was a great day and the team is ready for another big, long day tomorrow!

Morgan - for the team


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  4. Waking up early and starting your adventure in Poland with a five-hour train ride sounds like an exciting way to begin the trip! It's wonderful that the church has provided such comfortable accommodations and a delicious welcome dinner. The grocery store adventure, complete with trying the local "Lodi" ice cream, must have been a fun way to experience Polish culture and practice using the Złoty.

    Preparing for the English Cafe and the "American Dinner" outreach event showcases the team's commitment to connecting with the local community and sharing cultural experiences. It sounds like a busy but rewarding day, and we wish the team all the best for their big day tomorrow at Norwid High School!

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  5. What a fantastic day! It sounds like the team has settled in well and is excited for the upcoming events. The food sounds delicious, and I love that they're already making new friends and immersing themselves in the culture. I'm sure the English fair will be a great success. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures


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